… the Author .. and stuff
When I was a kid there was a death in my family, that caused me to find an alternative to the sad world that we live in. So I started to bend the reality in a way – I started to read jokes .. a lot of them. I had several books full of jokes and I had memorized most of them at the time.
Even the ones that I did not find funny or I did not understand (including adult jokes, that I was too young for at that time … uhh the embarrassment my parents have had). I discovered that jokes and fun had an positive effect on people and this turned also to be my gateway of getting people to like me (PTSD and depression with the mixture of puberty… It was not easy to find friends).
So this was how it all started.
I have grown a lot and humor has been my companion for most of my life. Now it’s as if my brain already has a separate part ( to be honest, my head has also been sewn together 10 times..So I’m not too sure how it works there/here) dedicated to connecting the dots and finding humor in everything (or to have a Zen enlightenment moment of spontaneous realization).
Whatever I think/see/read/hear/talk etc can create a joke in my head.
As a simple example … Be in a conversation… And after every sentence you say out loud add “If you know what I mean” to the end of it in your mind … Soon you should be ashamed and giggling and alone as everyone is trying to avoid the strange giggling mad person .. Ah I think you got the point. Anyhow, my brain does stuff like that quite automatically. And yes I have to constantly control myself. But at least I’m not bored, eh
Remember, my humor started from death, so there really are no limits (really … I mean it… I can make fun of corpses, meaning of life, power-puff girls, sex etc and all that in one sentence …theoretically at least… it’s a gift .. of sort) for the jokes in my head and I hope that the selection I have made for the ComicZ page is not offensive to anyone …
And is funny? ….
Hopefully? …
At least once a month? …
A year maybe?
And btw I do know that I can not draw.
Contact (for whatever strange reason you should have):
zarvik@juhe.ee or comicz@juhe.ee
* PS the strange language you see time to time is Estonian. Yes I live in Estonia, yes we have internet there. Actually it is only internet and stones that we have there, hence the name: ‘E’ for electronic and ‘stonia’ for stones.
*PPS If you still don’t get why some pics have a gibberish strange language on them, it is because I sometimes also think (… no proof for that) in my mother-tongue.
BTW Estonian is really compact. Here you will find the Estonian version of all I said previously:
Mis on ComicZ?
Vahel tuleb mul jaburaid mõtteid (mu pead on usinasti õmmeldud ja see on palju põrutada saanud – nii et ei pane imestama), mis tihti algeliste joonistustena paberile saavad. ComicZ on projekt, mille käigus proovin ma regulaarselt uusi pilte toota ning ehk paraneb selle käigus nii mu joonistusoskus kui ka huumorimeel…
teie Zarvik
Kes on Zarvik?
Selle lehe ja kõikide jaburuste sellel autor.
Kontakt: zarvik@juhe.ee või comicz@juhe.ee
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